Base Design to be interacted with
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info | Basic information (name, Author, etc) |
data | AssemblyData | All of the data in the assembly |
dynamic | bool | Can it be effected by the simulation dynamically |
physical_data | PhysicalProperties | Overall physical data of the assembly |
design_hierarchy | GraphContainer | The Design hierarchy represented by Part Refs - The first object is a root container for all top level items |
joint_hierarchy | GraphContainer | The Joint hierarchy for compound shapes |
transform | Transform | The Transform in space currently |
thumbnail | Thumbnail | Optional thumbnail saved from Fusion 360 or scraped from previous configuration |
Data used to construct the assembly
Field | Type | Label | Description |
parts | Parts | Meshes and Design Objects |
joints | joint.Joints | Joint Definition Set |
materials | material.Materials | Appearance and Physical Material Set |
signals | signal.Signals | Contains table of all signals with ID reference |
Mesh used for more effective file transfers
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | BEWARE of ENDIANESS |
Body object
Can contain a TriangleMesh or Collection of Faces.
Must be unique in the context of the Assembly.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info |
part | string | Reference to Part Definition |
triangle_mesh | TriangleMesh | Triangle Mesh for rendering |
appearance_override | string | Override Visual Appearance for the body |
Mesh Data stored as generic Data Structure
Field | Type | Label | Description |
verts | float | repeated | Tri Mesh Verts vec3 |
normals | float | repeated | Tri Mesh Normals vec3 |
uv | float | repeated | Tri Mesh uv Mapping vec2 |
indices | int32 | repeated | Tri Mesh indicies (Vert Map) |
Part Definition
Unique Definition of a part that can be replicated.
Useful for keeping the object counter down in the scene.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info | Information about version - id - name |
physical_data | PhysicalProperties | Physical data associated with Part |
base_transform | Transform | Base Transform applied - Most Likely Identity Matrix |
bodies | Body | repeated | Mesh Bodies to populate part |
dynamic | bool | Optional value to state whether an object is a dynamic object in a static assembly - all children are also considered overriden |
friction_override | float | Optional value for overriding the friction value 0-1 |
mass_override | float | Optional value for overriding an indiviaul object's mass |
Represents a object that does not have to be unique
Can be an override for an existing definition
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info |
part_definition_reference | string | Reference to the Part Definition defined in Assembly Data |
transform | Transform | Overriding the object transform (moves the part from the def) - in design hierarchy context |
global_transform | Transform | Position transform from a global scope |
joints | string | repeated | Joints that interact with this element |
appearance | string | Appearance Reference to link to `Materials->Appearance->Info->id` |
physical_material | string | Physical Material Reference to link to `Materials->PhysicalMaterial->Info->id` |
skip_collider | bool | Flag that if enabled indicates we should skip generating a collider, defaults to FALSE or undefined |
Part file can be exported seperately in the future
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info | Part name, version, GUID |
part_definitions | Parts.PartDefinitionsEntry | repeated | Map of the Exported Part Definitions |
part_instances | Parts.PartInstancesEntry | repeated | Map of the Exported Parts that make up the object |
user_data | UserData | other associated data that can be used end effector, wheel, etc |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | PartDefinition |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | PartInstance |
Traingle Mesh for Storing Display Mesh data
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | Info |
has_volume | bool | Is this object a Plane ? (Does it have volume) |
material_reference | string | Rendered Appearance properties referenced from Assembly Data |
mesh | Mesh | Stored as true types, inidicies, verts, uv |
bmesh | BinaryMesh | Stored as binary data in bytes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
yaw | DOF |
pitch | DOF |
rotation | DOF |
CustomJoint is a joint with N degrees of freedom specified.
There should be input validation to handle max freedom case.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dofs | DOF | repeated | A list of degrees of freedom that the joint can contain |
DOF - representing the construction of a joint motion
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | In case you want to name this degree of freedom |
axis | mirabuf.Vector3 | Axis the degree of freedom is pivoting by |
pivotDirection | mirabuf.Axis | Direction the axis vector is offset from - this has an incorrect naming scheme |
dynamics | Dynamics | Dynamic properties of this joint pivot |
limits | Limits | Limits of this freedom |
value | float | Current value of the DOF |
Dynamics specify the mechanical effects on the motion.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
damping | float | Damping effect on a given joint motion |
friction | float | Friction effect on a given joint motion |
A unqiue implementation of a joint motion
Contains information about motion but not assembly relation
NOTE: A spring motion is a joint with no driver
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Joint name, ID, version, etc |
origin | mirabuf.Vector3 | Transform relative to the parent |
joint_motion_type | JointMotion | type of motion described by the joint |
break_magnitude | float | At what effort does it come apart at. - leave blank if it doesn't |
rotational | RotationalJoint | ONEOF rotational joint |
prismatic | PrismaticJoint | ONEOF prismatic joint |
custom | CustomJoint | ONEOF custom joint |
user_data | mirabuf.UserData | Additional information someone can query or store relative to your joint. |
motor_reference | string | Motor definition reference to lookup in joints collection |
Instance of a Joint that has a defined motion and limits.
Instancing helps with identifiy closed loop systems.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Joint name, ID, version, etc |
isEndEffector | bool | Is this joint the end effector in the tree ? - might remove this |
parent_part | string | Object that contains the joint - the ID - Part usually |
child_part | string | Object that is affected by the joint - the ID - Part usually |
joint_reference | string | Reference to the Joint Definition |
offset | mirabuf.Vector3 | Offset from Joint Definition Origin |
parts | mirabuf.GraphContainer | Part Instances all contained and affected by this joint directly - tree |
signal_reference | string | Reference to the Signals as Drivers - use for signal_map in Assembly Data |
motion_link | MotionLink | repeated | Motion Links to other joints - ways to preserve motion between dynamic objects |
A way to define the motion between various group connections
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | name, version, uid |
joint_definitions | Joints.JointDefinitionsEntry | repeated | Unique Joint Implementations |
joint_instances | Joints.JointInstancesEntry | repeated | Instances of the Joint Implementations |
rigid_groups | RigidGroup | repeated | Rigidgroups ? |
motor_definitions | Joints.MotorDefinitionsEntry | repeated | Collection of all Motors exported |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | Joint |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | JointInstance |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | mirabuf.motor.Motor |
Limits specify the mechanical range of a given joint.
TODO: Add units
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lower | float | Lower Limit corresponds to default displacement |
upper | float | Upper Limit is the joint extent |
velocity | float | Velocity Max in m/s^2 (angular for rotational) |
effort | float | Effort is the absolute force a joint can apply for a given instant - ROS has a great article on it |
Motion Link Feature
Enables the restriction on a joint to a certain range of motion as it is relative to another joint
This is useful for moving parts restricted by belts and gears
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_instance | string | The Joint that this is linked to |
ratio | float | Ratio of motion between joint 1 and joint 2, we assume this is in mm for linear and deg for rotational |
reversed | bool | Reverse the relationship - turn in the same or opposite directions - useful when moving axis arent both the same way. |
Prismatic Joint describes a motion that translates the position in a single axis
Field | Type | Label | Description |
prismatic_freedom | DOF |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
occurrences | string | repeated | this could be the full path of the occurrence in order to make it easier to assembly them possibly - just parse on the unity side |
RotationalJoint describes a joint with rotational translation.
This is the exact same as prismatic for now.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotational_freedom | DOF |
Safety switch configuration for a given joint.
Can usefully indicate a bounds issue.
Inspired by the URDF implementation.
This should really just be created by the controller.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lower_limit | float | Lower software limit |
upper_limit | float | Upper Software limit |
k_position | float | Relation between position and velocity limit |
k_velocity | float | Relation between effort and velocity limit |
Describes the joint - Not really sure what to do with this for now - TBD
Name | Number | Description |
RIGID | 0 | |
REVOLUTE | 1 | |
SLIDER | 2 | |
PINSLOT | 4 | |
PLANAR | 5 | |
BALL | 6 | |
CUSTOM | 7 |
Contains information on how a object looks
Limited to just color for now
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Identfiable information (id, name, version) |
albedo | mirabuf.Color | albedo map RGBA 0-255 |
roughness | double | roughness value 0-1 |
metallic | double | metallic value 0-1 |
specular | double | specular value 0-1 |
Represents a File or Set of Materials with Appearances and Physical Data
Can be Stored in AssemblyData
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Identifiable information (id, name, version) |
physicalMaterials | Materials.PhysicalMaterialsEntry | repeated | Map of Physical Materials |
appearances | Materials.AppearancesEntry | repeated | Map of Appearances that are purely visual |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | Appearance |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | PhysicalMaterial |
Data to represent any given Physical Material
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Identifiable information (id, name, version, etc) |
description | string | short description of physical material |
thermal | PhysicalMaterial.Thermal | Thermal Physical properties of the model OPTIONAL |
mechanical | PhysicalMaterial.Mechanical | Mechanical properties of the model OPTIONAL |
strength | PhysicalMaterial.Strength | Physical Strength properties of the model OPTIONAL |
dynamic_friction | float | Frictional force for dampening - Interpolate (0-1) |
static_friction | float | Frictional force override at stop - Interpolate (0-1) |
restitution | float | Restitution of the object - Interpolate (0-1) |
deformable | bool | should this object deform when encountering large forces - TODO: This needs a proper message and equation field |
matType | PhysicalMaterial.MaterialType | generic type to assign some default params |
Mechanical Properties Set Definition for Simulation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
young_mod | float | naming scheme changes here / GPa |
poisson_ratio | float | ? |
shear_mod | float | MPa |
density | float | g/cm^3 |
damping_coefficient | float | ? |
Strength Properties Set Definition for Simulation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
yield_strength | float | MPa |
tensile_strength | float | MPa |
thermal_treatment | bool | yes / no |
Thermal Properties Set Definition for Simulation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
thermal_conductivity | float | W/(m*K) |
specific_heat | float | J/(g*C) |
thermal_expansion_coefficient | float | um/(m*C) |
Name | Number | Description |
METAL | 0 | |
DCMotor Configuration
Parameters to simulate a DC Electric Motor
Still needs some more but overall they are most of the parameters we can use
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reference_url | string | Reference for purchase page or spec sheet |
torque_constant | float | m-Nm/Amp |
emf_constant | float | mV/rad/sec |
resistance | float | Resistance of Motor - Optional if other values are known |
maximum_effeciency | uint32 | measure in percentage of 100 - generally around 60 - measured under optimal load |
maximum_power | uint32 | measured in Watts |
duty_cycle | DutyCycles | Stated Duty Cycle of motor |
advanced | DCMotor.Advanced | Optional data that can give a better relationship to the simulation |
Information usually found on datasheet
Field | Type | Label | Description |
free_current | float | measured in AMPs |
free_speed | uint32 | measured in RPM |
stall_current | float | measure in AMPs |
stall_torque | float | measured in Nm |
input_voltage | uint32 | measured in Volts DC |
resistance_variation | float | between (K * (N / 4)) and (K * ((N-2) / 4)) where N is number of poles - leave at 0 if unknown |
A Motor should determine the relationship between an input and joint motion
Could represent something like a DC Motor relationship
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info |
dc_motor | DCMotor |
simple_motor | SimpleMotor |
SimpleMotor Configuration
Very easy motor used to simulate joints without specifying a real motor
Can set braking_constant - stall_torque - and max_velocity
Assumes you are solving using a velocity constraint for a joint and not a acceleration constraint
Field | Type | Label | Description |
stall_torque | float | Torque at 0 rpm with a inverse linear relationship to max_velocity |
max_velocity | float | The target velocity in RPM, will use stall_torque relationship to reach each step |
braking_constant | float | (Optional) 0 - 1, the relationship of stall_torque used to perserve the position of this motor |
Duty Cycles for electric motors
Affects the dynamic output of the motor
These each have associated data we are not going to use right now
Name | Number | Description |
SHORT_TIME | 1 | S2 |
CONTINUOUS_PERIODIC | 3 | S6 Continuous Operation with Periodic Duty |
Signal is a way to define a controlling signal.
TODO: Add Origin
TODO: Decide how this is linked to a exported object
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Has identifiable data (id, name, version) |
io | IOType | Is this a Input or Output |
custom_type | string | The name of a custom input type that is not listed as a device type |
signal_id | uint32 | ID for a given signal that exists... PWM 2, CANBUS 4 |
device_type | DeviceType | Enum for device type that should always be set |
Signals is a container for all of the potential signals.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | mirabuf.Info | Has identifiable data (id, name, version) |
signal_map | Signals.SignalMapEntry | repeated | Contains a full collection of symbols |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | Signal |
DeviceType needs to be a type of device that has a supported connection
As well as a signal frmae but that can come later
Name | Number | Description |
PWM | 0 | |
Digital | 1 | |
Analog | 2 | |
I2C | 3 | |
CANBUS | 4 | |
CUSTOM | 5 |
IOType is a way to specify Input or Output.
Name | Number | Description |
INPUT | 0 | Input Signal |
OUTPUT | 1 | Output Signal |
RGBA in expanded form 0-255
Field | Type | Label | Description |
R | int32 | red |
G | int32 | green |
B | int32 | blue |
A | int32 | alpha |
Top level GraphContainer
Contains all Graph element roots within
Field | Type | Label | Description |
nodes | Node | repeated | represents the root of each seperate assembly - most of the time 1 node |
Defines basic fields for almost all objects
The location where you can access the GUID for a reference
Field | Type | Label | Description |
GUID | string | GUID unique value - must always be defined since guid's have exactly 128bits could be represented with bytes[] however endian becomes an issue |
name | string | Generic readable name |
version | uint32 | Version of object iteration |
Each proper object within the Graph - First one is Root
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | the reference ID for whatever kind of graph this is |
children | Node | repeated | the children for the given leaf |
user_data | UserData | other associated data that can be used |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
density | double | kg per cubic cm kg/(cm^3) |
mass | double | kg |
volume | double | cm^3 |
area | double | cm^2 |
com | Vector3 | non-negative? Vec3 |
A basic Thumbnail to be encoded in the file
Most of the Time Fusion can encode the file with transparency as PNG not bitmap
Field | Type | Label | Description |
width | int32 | Image Width |
height | int32 | Image Height |
extension | string | Image Extension - ex. (.png, .bitmap, .jpeg) |
transparent | bool | Transparency - true from fusion when correctly configured |
data | bytes | Data as read from the file in bytes[] form |
Data needed to apply scale, position, and rotational changes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spatial_matrix | float | repeated | flat map of 4x4 transform matrix [00][01][02][03][10][11][12][13][20][21][22][23] |
Arbitrary data to append to a given message in map form
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UserData.DataEntry | repeated | e.g. data["wheel"] = "yes" |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string |
value | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | float |
y | float |
z | float |
Axis Enum
Name | Number | Description |
X | 0 | |
Y | 1 | |
Z | 2 |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ | Java | Python | Go | C# | PHP | Ruby |
double | double | double | float | float64 | double | float | Float | |
float | float | float | float | float32 | float | float | Float | |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
bool | bool | boolean | boolean | bool | bool | boolean | TrueClass/FalseClass | |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode | string | string | string | String (UTF-8) |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str | []byte | ByteString | string | String (ASCII-8BIT) |